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" I believe that the Insurance Commissioner's most important task is looking out for the consumer, whether against big insurance companies or businesses they serve I believe they have a right to know what they are entitled to in order to do best for their family and their self."

I believe that fixing our system takes two things: education and regulation. We must educate the people of Delaware on the benefits that they have through various programs such as the Affordable Care Act. We must teach high school students about important insurance information they need going into college, and we must educate seniors on smart retirement investments. 


The Affordable Care Act, passed and signed in 2010 caused quite a few problems in Delaware government, and I know we must communicate that to our citizens and inform them of the choices they have for their families. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield 

I believe that BCBS of Delaware has gotten to be a monopoly in the First State. The people of Delaware deserve options when chosing healthcare and as Insurance Commissioner, I would fight to break this monopoly. 

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